Friday, November 11, 2011

Cancer Sucks part 7

So here is the lastest update on my dad. He went yesterday to UAB to get his stress test done and another CT scan. Both looked good but the surgeon wants to do one more procedure before we have the go on surgery. So next wednesday my dad has to have a procedure done to draw the fluid from around the lymph nodes to double check on if they have been infected by the cancer or not. The reason why this has to be done is because the area does light up on ct scans but the previous biospy when they did the tk bronchioscopy didnt show anything so they are doing this as a safety net procaution. If all turns out good with this then my dad is set to have surgery nov 18th. We are hoping this can be done liapscopic (spelling?) instead of them having to do a major surgery. If they having to actual do a major surgery then he can be in the hospital up to two weeks due to the recovery time and also the physical therapy on his lungs he would need to receive. If they can go in there liapscopic then he will be out of the hospital in five days. Also my dad did speak with the surgeon about what happened with him convulsing. They said that vercet is actually called a twilight drug, meaning it doesnt actually knock you out. They stated they believe that due to the chemo he is on and the drug vercet it caused him to have this reaction so they will not be using it again. My dad is doing really good and is excited and hoping this surgery goes off. He actually canceled his last chemo treatment today due to the surgeons suggestion of not wanting it to wear him down before the upcoming procedures. So here goes hoping and praying that everything works out. Thank you again for all the prayers they are much appreciated. Just keep my father in your thoughts as we are leading up to this surgery that everything will go right and he will come out of it great. I will update more next week or after the surgery depending on what news we receive. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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